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Reconsideration [February 26, 2009 | 12:12 p.m.]

Hey, we just talked on the phone. I understand why you broke up with me. I am truly sorry. I apologize. I just wish that you could find it in your heart to give me one more chance, i mean, we were happy with each other at one point, don't you think we could be happy again? aside from some of the things we spoke about today, i would like to think that i made you happy. but, yea, i did come to a realization in january, and i did become interested in improving myself, that is why i began doing the frat thing, that is why i began doing the mexican club thing, that is why in the days prior to you breaking up with me, i was always so busy.
chan, i know you might not want to hear this, but if you could please find it in your heart, if you could please give me another chance to prove myself, i understand that now you are looking into the future, i am so proud of you, that is something that i wanted you to think about when we first started dating, remember how you said you didn't like making plans, because they never came true... well, now you've matured, now you know that you need to have a planned road, but that it doesn't always happen exactly like that, that you have to change it up a little bit, i am happy to know that you now think about the future, it upsets me that in that, you realize that the way that i'm going there isn't a future, but I do promise, I promise that i will improve, once again, i had made up my mind to finish school. idk if i told you but with taking 12 hours a semester for 5 semesters i can finish, well, if i take more hours each semester, and if i do mini mesters during the summer, and winter, i can finish school faster, i am now more determined to finish school, improve myself, become a better person, and hopefully show you that i can be all that you want in life, plus more. chan, i love you, and if i must be honest, it does kill me to listen to you talk about ramon, and no, i will not make fun of his name, there is no reason for me to make fun of him. I do want to ask you something, if... if you do decide to give me another chance, could you not consider him too much to be something serious, could it be like Ian. could he be just someone to spend your time with untill i finish shcool, or untill we get back together. i understand how you need someone to be there for you physicaly, i understand that, because i feel the same way, but, it was something i'm willing to put up with because i love you. chan i realize all the mistakes i have made, and i am willing to improve, like i said earlier, your improvements, and your successes really have encouraged, and inspired me to become better, thats is why i began working out, i said, dang, she can run alot more than i can, shit, if she runs away, i need to be able to at least keep up, lol. but seriously. i began working out, thanks to you, i began focusing on my studies because i know that you hate being too long without me, i understand that. if you could please please please give me another chance. please.


P.S. please do reconsider. i am paying now for my mistakes, and i am paying hard. chan. I love you. i want to show you, and prove to myself that i am a better person than i have been. I, in a way am looking at things with new prespective now. so, if you could please reconsider. and if you could not make things too serious with ramon. please please. please. give me another chance. i will leve you dumbfounded with the advances i make, just you see. i will be a whole new person, well, kinda. i'll be a whole better person. more considerate. chan, i am really sorry for the ultimatum, it was the only way that i thought i could keep you by my side. i now know that it wasn't the way to go. chan, i fucked up, please give me another chance. I love you.

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