Girl, you'll be a woman soon [May 29, 2010 | 1:00 a.m.]

I should really be getting to sleep but thanks to this handy dandy device called the iPhone I get to prolong my sleepless nights and sleepy days.
Ah... So diaryland... We meet yet again, nowadays not just in my time of need but finally in my time of triumph and success. I finished off the semester with what I call flying colors, at least compared to what I've done in the past finally after a great hardship, comes an even greater satisfaction. Even tho I didn't get to finish my GIS and Transportation Systems projects exactly the way I wanted to, I still got As on both and finished out with an A in the Transport class sweet sweet joy. That was the scariest class I took this semester and I did slack off in GIS so that B was expected but ugh if only I had gotten a couple extra points in that one and intro to fine arts it would've been an all A semester, wrecked. I can't wait to take algebra again this summer and pwn it so I can improve my GPA and finally enroll in those two Geog classes that are prereqs for practically everything finally.
Like I told my mom, "salgo de uno para entrar en otro" meaning I got out of some trouble to get into more trouble. I have cleared up my name for the most part as far as school goes and as soon as I do I find out some MAJOR news. At first I was freaking out but I have finally calmed down quite a bit and am actually excited, I'll just have to see how I'll manage. Things have cleared up quite a bit, things are going great...

| The Coast>

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