WhatWouldIDoWithoutYou [October 31, 2019 | 2:28 p.m.]

I've missed out on your entries! So sorry friend.

Life has been a bit hectic with my new project. Plus a few changes at home and the workplace have made for a very chaotic last couple of months.

Before I get to everything else, I'm so sorry to hear about your furry family, I know how devastating it can be, I hope you can find solace in knowing I have you in my thoughts.

Did you almost faint because of what happened or because of the suspected health issues?
If you're stressed because of your new workplace, it isn't helping with your health, but I'm sure you know that, and I'm just preaching to the choir, I'm sorry.

You know, workplace culture is difficult to navigate. I hope you can inspire the right changes, but it might be a futile effort. I think workplace culture starts at the top, and if your boss / owner is unwilling to make the changes, or enforce the changes you bring, I think you will find it difficult to make positive change. Either way, I'm sure you're doing a great job of of lining everything out.

Finances are fun in theory lol. I love making spreadsheets and calculations, and projections, and estimates, but if your finances, like mine, don't add up at the end of the month, then something will break. With me my spirit breaks because no matter how hard I try, it always seems like we over spend each month. Especially on unhealthy food.

Why write about your dreams? Because Everytime you mention them it makes me really want to know what you dreamt! Lol you know I'm a very curious person, so pretty please with sugar on top, tell me about your dreams, and don't leave anything out! Lol

And not the Unicorns entry wasn't boring.

On being late to work, I personally stopped feeling self conscious about going in "late" I just tell people that 9 is my start time. Frankly I work late once in a while, and sometimes work a couple of hours on weekends, not to mention travel I'm sure it all balances out. Plus I don't get paid OT anymore, AND I just found out I'm the least paid in my group; that's a story for another day.

Take today for example, I finished an off-site meeting early, so I came straight home, I stead of going back to the office. It's a balance you know.

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