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Just like a Woman [March 03, 2008 | 12:39 a.m.]

Oh yea, so it was a nice walk that i took to the library today, it was cloudy, windy, and i had some ol' "Mr" Bob Dylan jammin' it was all good, had just gotten off the phone with my sweet-heart, after a good long nap, and a good not-so-hearty meal. hmm it was a good stroll from my dorm to the library. i had a bit o' fun at the library but andrea is kinda weird at times, though its funny how she can insult, its just funny. omg, and her accents she pulled an awesom jersey, and canadian accent, she speaks german ya. ha it was cool, and she said she spoke french, which was awesom. then some security guy came into our room and told us to be quiet. oh well, we didn't know we could be heard outside the room. hmm, oh well, whatever
jazz band went well, except the last cahrt, "tribute to miles" i need more time with a working bass trombone. i wish chan could come see the jazz concert tomorrow, its going to be really good.
earlier today i got the bright idea of her coming to pick me up on thursday, it'd be cool, we could stop by college station and pick hebert up, but like chan said, i doubt he'll want to come home, i have a feeling he will since its spring break, but also idk when his spring break begins.
i've also been thinking alot about moving in with her this summer, i wonder how my parents are gonna take it. i hope i can work for my dad while living with chan. oh well, i'm going through with it. i really love her, and i'm ready to live with her.

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