Just Breath; 4 July and other Shenanigans [July 22, 2019 | 4:57 p.m.]

For the 4th of July we had decided to spend it at my rentals place. As usual, I woke up bright and kind of early, around 7:30, fed the boys, mowed the lawn, took a shower and managed to get some video game time in.

Side note I've taken up Simulator Racing, yes you read that right. It's a steering wheel mounted on some 2x4 that I built and painted with my bear hands. I'm not good, as a matter of fact I'm absolute garbage, so much so that on the full simulation Formula 1 game I can't play when there are people around because I get distracted easily, and that game requires way more concentration than I'm able to pay to begin with.

So there I am, 10 AM, dressed, hair brushed, ready to go, racing some cars, and she's still in bed. This is not unusual, and it doesn't always bother me, but she usually wants to go early to my parents' so we return early. You see, I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but she hates going there.

Well I assumed she'd want to go early, and as it turned out she didn't get out of bed until noon-ish, and this irritated me. Greatly. I ran out of F***s to give, so I decided to have myself a beer. We left the house circa 2pm, and naturally, I stopped at the HEBs and purchased some heavy IPA, may I remind you I had no more F***s to give. I remained irritated throughout the afternoon, and though I was civil, I was short with her.

As you can imagine the longer the day progressed, the more full of IPA I became. At about 10pm we went outside to observe fireworks, it was during this time that my older Pocoyó decided to showoff his newly acquired bicycle riding skills, he didn't realize this specific bicycle he rode had no brakes. He needed help slowing down and thus dismounting. I was his brakes, roadkill, and fall arrest system all in one. This was a couple of weeks ago now, and I'm still in pain.

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