CelebrateTheJetsOfALifetime [July 15, 2019 | 5:06 p.m.]

I feel that you're a better writer than I am.
Case in point, my title to that entry was supposed to be 6 Closer to Tear you.

What did Roger Waters mean when he wrote that?
I took it to mean we're just as lost as anyone else; Swimming in different fish bowls, visible to each other in snippets of social media and DL, yet we're separate and far away in our own worlds living our own lives.

Let me see if I understood you correctly. You took a different job with better pay because you marketed yourself well and are making what you should be making? You're now challenged and for the time being, content with this challenge? Not to mention you're learning and growing as a person!? That is great! I'm very happy for you.

I've been struggling with a similar situation at work. I've been filling the job of a higher paid person, and my boss says, "if you want to be paid adequately you should apply for a different role". I could go on about this but it makes no sense. There's going to be a few changes in the leadership structure over the next few weeks, if something doesn't change with my compensation or management I'm going to do what you did.

It's amazing how much one can achieve when one believes in oneself.
I'll leave it at that. I've had enough God conversation over the last week or so to last me a good few months or years.
On a site visit a week ago two colleagues started arguing about the concept of God, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and the eleventh dimension. I was mediating until the Christian guy crossed the line with me and technically damned me to hell.

In other news...
I went back to the beetus doctor. Things didn't look so well when I did. I'm back on meds and all that but as of about three months ago I've gotten better but I don't think I'll be coming off the meds.

Wish you'd wrote more and more often.

Miss you too

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