Deal's Gone Bad [March 08, 2013 | 7:55 p.m.]

I've had this page open for quite a while now, its 8:47 now, and it says 7:55 pm for time haha. I don't really know where to start, I felt like writing tonight, so here I am. Thank you for talking to me a few weeks ago!
I'm glad, and was really happy to hear you are doing well. I'm still waiting on all my legal stuff, still working this dead end job, I heard I might be getting a store of my own finally, maybe a pay rise? I hope.
I've had this song stuck in my head for a few days now, and have been listening to it today at work, let me know what your thoughts are, what you think it means, and what it means to you, and why, if you even remember, did you show it to me in the first place, long, long ago, if it had a particular meaning when you did.

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