Catching up [June 25, 2016 | 8:45 a.m.]

Thanks so much for letting me into your life it's pretty awesome. I know I don't write much / at all. It's not that I have much (if anything) going on in my life anyway. It's just that if I'm not at work, I'm at home if I'm at home I've got a nagging wife that won't let me spend 5 minutes on the phone without her thinking I'm spending too much time on it texting someone. To her I'm always texting, and if I'm texting I'm not spending time here at home. In addition to her and work obviously I've got my two Pocoyos and if I'm home they usually are climbing all over me. They are really fun, I think you'd fall in love with them instantly, they are sweet sweet munchkins, always learning always loving fun.
Let's see my days begin when either K or S walk in at about 6:30-7:00 they usually rush in asking if they can watch Netflix or if they can have cereal. Begrudgingly (because I've been going to sleep at 11-12) I get up and feed them. I shower, and get dressed. I usually wear polos because they don't wrinkle as much as dress shirts, I'd wear dress shirts everyday if they weren't wrinkled, "why don't you iron them" you might say, well I'll refer to the same thing from earlier; after work, I come home to some really needy people. I don't usually have the energy or will power to iron or do much for that matter.
After getting dressed I'll say bye to the boys and try to wake her up. I'll drive the agonizing 5 minute commute. It's less than a mile but the stop sign and traffic light really hamper my drive time. Only recently (the last three days) I've begun riding my bicicle to work.
At work lately I've just been learning different softwares testing software and developing standards for our data management and amalysis all very boring stuff of which I've been doing half assed because I have no direction. But that's the stuff of another entry. I've been going to lunch with my coworkers because my wife has stopped making me lunch partly because sometimes I chose not to eat her failed attempts at experimenting with food (she can kind of cool, just not cook traditional food she makes up her own shit as she goes sometimes it's a success usually it's a globby mess of junk, of which I'll sometimes force myself to eat if it doesn't look that bad) after lunch I come to my desk again and sit and blah blah blah.
I get off at five and when I get home I'm usually greeted by bad parenting, little or no cooking (I don't like to have late dinner) a tv and a radio turned on the kids yelling at each other because S wants K's toy, no matter what toy it is, and a messy house (it's improved over the last two or three days tho and isn't AS messy). I'll play with my offspring, and will bathe them. if we have beer, I'll have one or two, and she'll put them to bed around 8-8:30. At which point I turn on a video game and veg out until It's 11-12 and do it all over again.
I too have become a recluse. I've isolated myself from my friends and family. I don't really have a hobby as all the things I want to do cost money. Which we don't have much of. It was supposed to be a trade off. We move to a nice place to be closer to nicer schools and work, but we'll be tight on money. I thought it'd be a nice life but it hasn't been the case.
I've read every single word you type. I'm sorry for the way you feel. I wish there were something I could do to help.
Don't over think things. Don't stress. Brush things off. Take things lightly because at the end of the day your mental health is more important. Smile at the little things in life.


I've graduated from a Boner, I'm now a GISer. I'll explain next time.

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