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Best I Ever Had -Drake [February 10, 2010 | 2:08 a.m.]

Time flies by and leaves us behind in the blink of an eye. Twenty-two years ago I was born, 17.5 years ago I came to the States and changed my entire life, ten years ago my parents moved to the area in which they now reside, once again changing my life, four years ago, which seem like mere minutes, I came to good ol'e Texas State, and yes, you guessed it, impacting my life yet again. Living here has influenced, and shaped my life in so many aspects, I've done things that I never would've dreamed of, and some things that I did dream of doing, and some that I still haven't done; the irony of life. Living in San Marcos has given me so much, taken, but has given back. There are lessons that I have learned here that I would never have learned anywhere else, particularly during the last two years. I thought I had life figured out, but in reality, I had no idea. I still don�t know what to expect, or what life holds for me. Whatever it is though, I�m facing it head on and with all the enthusiasm in the world, no matter the downs and ups, I will continue to forge ahead and live life to the fullest all I ask is that god give me the strength and continues to back me up the way he has, especially with the way he�s shown me the light during the last couple of months. The things I have learned here will forever be with me; moving and staying in San Marcos has truly been godsend. I will continue to make the best out of the rest of the time I�ve here. 2010, this is the year.

Lento pero seguro, la Guerra se esta ganando, pero hay veces que es muy confuso. Como dice la canci�n, las piedras se encuentran rodando, y si mi camino me gu�a hacia ti, espero que los dos estaremos en posiciones adecuadas para lo que nos trae dios, y la vida. Estoy s�per encantado de haberte conocido. Si yo tambi�n te amo, eres mi �ngel que dios me mand�, gracias por todo lo que me has hecho, y ense�ado �You the, You the best... Best I ever had�. Como dice la canci�n, �Iba caminado por las calles empapadas en olvido� por los parques con fantasmas y con �ngeles ca�dos� sin luz,�sin sol� sin un sentido[, en realidad si] iba muri�ndome [y] volando sobre el mar con las alas rotas� [Pero] amor apareciste en mi vida y me curaste las heridas� abre el coraz�n�. Nada mas �pienso en ti, siento lo bien que me haces� puedo ver que el tiempo corre a prisa, pero al ver tu sonrisa, todo va bien�. �Before the cool done run out, I'm gonna be givin� it my best best�, �cause I always have to steal my kisses from you�

I AM heaven sent. Don't you dare forget...

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