ButYouDon'tKnowWhoIAm [July 29, 2013 | 12:46 a.m.]

I have a really good friend that talks to me and understands me usually. He's more Mexican than American, and I'm more American than I Mexican, it's quite ironic, believe me. Sometimes we kind of clash on opinions, but I guess that's what makes our friendship good. At times, though, I long for a deeper connection. My oldest known friend is living a life far away. We've lived far away, and diaconected for far too long, and even though he will always be considered my "Best Man" we are great friends from afar. I've been meaning to talk to him, but, I'm just not the type to call out of the blue, hah, I'm just not a phone person after all those hours spent on the phone with the third person I meant to write about next.
I had a really good friendship with her, but the complications of life happened. And it's ok, I've grown to accept it, and acknowledge it, it's all part of growing. I just wish I made friends easier than I do. I wish I had access to more people than I do, I used to be very friendly and outgoing, but I lost a lot of will power when began living on my own. I left behind a lot of confidence and self esteem. It's hard on me now. I struggle some days just to get out of bed, I try not to let it get to me, but it can be tough. In the end I'm alright and I just keep truckin' I cowboy up and keep going. I've ranted for long enough, I should get to bed. Goodnight world.

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