Putthatthingbackwhereitcamefromorsohelpme [June 30, 2016 | 3:37 p.m.]

I get to the front door of the building and I think to myself "It's raining I walked to work this morning, and I don't have an umbrella with me". When a colleague of mine walks past and says, "you live down the street right?"
"Yeah I do, just two blocks down"
"How are you getting home? You walked right?"
"Yeah I did I'm going to wait it out, and then walk home, if it's not clear in a couple of minutes then I'll just call my wife"
"I can take you, that way she doesn't have to take the babies out of the house in the rain"
"Nah don't worry about it, I don't want to get in the way of your plans" (she usually goes out and hangs out with her friends)
"It's not really out of the way, come on I'll take you"
I walk out and we both run to her car.
We arrive at my place
"Is it ok if I use your bathroom?"
"Of course come on up!"

Later that afternoon.
"what were you thinking letting her use our bathroom!?"
"What do you mean it's KG, you've met her. I would understand if it's a stranger or if it's someone that I don't work with on a daily, but you've met her twice, we've gone out with her once, and she's just a colleague... What's the big deal?"

To this day I really don't understand why she went berserk that day.

| The Coast>

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