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Woot Woot!!! [October 26, 2006 | 6:01 PM]

so today was a good day, very good indeed. man i'm proud of myself. so in the morning brian woke up at around 6:45, good for him, but damn, he doesn't have to make all that noise. well anyway, i kept waking up, and around 7:15 i wanted to call chan, but i didn't want to wake her, plus i don't want to call her too much, i don't want to annoy her. well any way, yea, i ended up calling her at 7:45 man, i should've called her earlier though, man. oh well, its almost friday woot woot phikie phikie phikaaaaaaaaa (Texas State trombone section chant).
so finally friday, its here. just a couple of hours, man, i couldn't wait, man it was about time. i can't wait...
well yea today... umm yea so i promised chan that i was going to write the paper today, so i did, i feel like i did an ok job, i mean, i'm not much of a paper writer, but i actually took it to the writing center, and got it corrected, and feel good about it, but then again, just about everything that i think i did good in, i fuck up. well, yea. in the morning i was thinking about not doing the essay at all, but i remebered that i promised her so i ended up doing it. i'm glad i did it too, because once i was finished i looked over the syllabus, and noticed that if i didn't turn it in i was going to fail the course automatically, and maaaaan i was glad i didn't whoo!
man i'm really excited about this weekend i bought my ticket today and am going to pick it up tomorrow before i leave, i'm going to pack up my stuff tonight, or at least get it ready i have to leave for the bus station as soon as i can, i get out of my last class at noon, so it should give me enough time to come to my room, pick up some stuff, and go to the bus station. i can't wait to hear what chan has to say, from what i could tell, its "juicy" lol. ay michan. she completes me.

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