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Sweet -N- Sour [October 30, 2006 | 10:26 p.m.]

Wow. i had a pretty eventful weekend. i don't even know where to start, i mean it hit so far on each side of the good/bad spectrum its almost as if the good and the bad just corelate, its as if the good was so good it was bad, and vice versa.
well, it all started friday, man i was so excited to go home, it had been about three maybe four weeks since i had been home. well i got home and i'm really excited about more than one thing: i was going to see chan (finally), i was going to see Tlacaelel, man i miss the little rascal, i was going to see my parents, i was going to see my best friend from high school, and i was planning on seeing other friends from high school too; it was going to be a superb weekend. well, i got to houston, and on seeing Tlaca my eyes got a bit teary because i could see the excitement in his eyes, he misses me too. i said hi to my little sis, but since i was so entrtained with my siblings i sorta left my mom hanging, i didn't mean too, i was just trying to enjoy the moment. i feel really bad about that. i wish i had said hi to mom.
when i got home, i hung out with her for a bit, she showed me the new stuff around the house, and showed me why they wouldn't let me borrow the car... they got a frontier. man i can't believe my parents got a frontier, i can't believe my dad just out of the blue decided to get another auto, i mean he will not go out and get an auto unless he needs it. that was just weird. well, i took the van becuse just as i thought, thats the apple of my dad's eye right now, and if he rarely wanted me to drive the focus, he will deffinitely will not let me drive the frontier.
i left for the football game but on my way up ther i stopped by to see if chan had gotten home just yet, unfortunately no, then i remembered that she was going to stop by her sister's house, well i decided to go to the ball game. as i arrived at the stadium and saw the parking situation i immediately changed my mind about that and decided to go to mirna's house. on my way up there i was going to stop again by chan's place to see if she was there by any chance but i decided to call hebert and ask if he knew her where abouts, man, i should have gone to her house. now i regret not having gone. anyway i called hebert again to let him know that i was going to go to mirna's. i decided not to call my parents since i figured "i never really call them for anything, why do it now?" i arrived at mirna's and just as i arrived chan got to her house i figure. I was at mirna's for about five minutes and called chan, low and behold... she was at home: damn. well i was going to pick her up and asked heb if he wanted to go pick her up, he agreed and we took off. when we arrived chan showed me the way she was wearing her make up a couple of nights before where she tooks with alvaro. she went to clean up while i chit-chatted with heb some more. we then took off to mirna's again. while there we watched a bit of stand up, well chan and i got to say "hi" a bit more... personally... at about ten thirty i decided to go drop them off if i was to go home at eleven.
we arrived at her place with hebert, and like always hebert is a great entertainer and he took up a bit of chan and mine's farewell time. i called home to tell my mom that i was on the way not expecting to get caught up for too long. well i wanted to ask my dad if i could hang around for thirty more mins... thats all i wanted to ask for. thats all i was going to do, but as i called him i changed my mind and decided to let him know that i was on my way home, if he would've answered things would've worked a whole lot differently.
since he didn't answer i i got a little pissed and decided to give myself the original thirty minutes that i wanted. well as chan and i were saying goodbye i convinced her to "tell" me what i'd been wanting to know for about a week now. but in order for her to tell me it involved a bit of moving around. point is she got into the van. and the moment she got into the van i made the decission that i wasn't going to let myself be manipulated by my dad any longer. to make long, short, i didn't get home till five thirty. i had, have, and will not have any regrets. i did what i did out of love. i love michan, and i wanted to show her all the affection that i have missed out on giving her for the last three weeks. i know that there will be more opportunities for me to show her my love, but the time that has passed cannot be retrieved, all those days that have gone by with out as much as even a kiss, not even a glance... i miss her too much here.
The next day i thought my parents were going to crack down on me, but no. my dad was the most one pissed but thats because i was out driving his vehicle. that day started out ok, i was pretty tired and bored. i got to hang out with alex and mom. it was pretty fun. i miss my mom. Saturday was the day that was supposed to be the "definitive" happy day. it was supposed to be the best day that i'd have had in a looooooooong time. unfortunately since i had come late the night before my dad didn't let me leave the house much less drive any of his vehicles. i let chan know the bad news and we agreed to hang out at my place. she got off of work a little bit late so she didn't get to my house till around eight. man that sucked balls. i wanted to hang out more. we started to have fun we were outside playing some b-ball when she received a call from her mom. thats when it all went downhill. man... there is so much more that i could've done. I really don't know why she started bitching at chan. i mean yea the cell phone, but hmm, it just seemed a little out of hand that she would call just to bitch at her for that. eh, fortunately it wasn't a loooong call. it did ruin the evening though. chan's mom was really hard on her. she really came down on her. then mirna called. Hell froze over. to make matters worse Mirna called and cracked down on michan. personally i think that mirna was exagerating, i mean there was no reason really why she should've called and ruined the evening any more than what it already was. well as if that wasn't enough mirna decides to show up, i don't understand why. it seems as if all she came to do was to embarras her, for no reason really, the problem that they were having could've been solved at home. after a while mirna really didn't make sense in regards to why she had shown up. according to my mom, she feels that since chan and i were outside mirna didn't like that, and decided to show up. another thing that my mom mentioned was that maybe in reality mirna and her mom are really woried about michan's sex life. i mean, they have no reason to. its none of their business, nor my parents at that. it only includes two ppl. chan and i. anyway, i feel very disapointed with myself, i could've stood up for michan. the moment i saw mirna grab her by the arm i totally went ballistic in my head. i didn't want to say nor do anything. when i get like that it is best to avoid all confrontation with me, i say things that i shouldn't, i do things that i shouldn't, its not a good thing, i got more scared of what i could've done in that situation rather than actually doing something.
sunday was pretty good. i got to talk to chan in the morning for a bit, and around nine thirty she showed up at my house. that really made my day, i thought i wasn't going to be able to see her till next time i go into town. fortunately though we hung out till about three. we had fun. i love hanging out with her. well i got to my dorm at around seven thirty-eight. i went out to the Tantra with Brian, and came back about thirty minutes later. eh. this weekend was bittersweet.

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