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Happy Birthay song sucks [November 04, 2006 | 12:28 p.m.]

Wow ok, so this morning i auditioned for the Texas State University School of Music. It wasn't as nerve wrecking as i thought, i was freaking out at first. well i got there a bit late because i thought the introduction was at nine, but it wasn't. I arrived just in time for instructions though. they gave us instructions, and then i left for one of the practice rooms. Last night i practiced but my tone was out of the wall, i think it was because of the football game on thursday night. man i played alot... loud. well yea, that shot my lips and embechure. so i went to a practice room and played some scales, apparently i was playing in tune, it didn't sound as rough as last night. that boosted my confidence alot. it boosted it immensly. so then i went up to the band hall to play for the judges. i wasn't nervouse at all, man, matter of fact i was pretty confident. then a buddy of mine stepped out and started telling about how nervous he was and then another guy did the same, they got me a bit nervous but then i just told myself that i was going to do fine, i remembered what michan told me this morning, i tooked a couple of breaths, then walked in, and well, i did fine, the only place i sorta fucked up was on the scales, i got over confident stopped thinking on the A scale, and messed up on the way back down. oh well, the sight reading piece was somewhat easy, i played it well for the most part. the thing that made me feel very good though was that at the end of my audition one of the judges told me that i should play for one of the Jazz Ensembles. after that i went to take an Aural, and Theory exam, i did extraodinarily well on the Aural, except for the part where i had to sing "Happy Birthday" man that sucked i got a three out of five! i got a five on everything else! damn it. oh well. so now i'm back in my dorm waiting for seven am to arrive. man i can't wait.

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